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Researcher and participant having a chat.

Have a Chat Video and Transcript


To watch the transcript in real-time with the video. Visit the video 'Planning Inclusive Communities: Have a Chat' via youtube.

This is a film about getting involved in the Planning Inclusive Communities Research Project.

The research is led by Dr Lisa Stafford.

Having a chat.

Having a chat is a way that you can get involved in the research.

In this video we will explain what a chat is, what happens during the chat and what happens after.

All information about having a chat can be found on our project website –

What is a chat?

A chat is an interview with a researcher.

The researcher will ask you questions about what inclusive community means to you.

You can have the chat on the phone, by video call, like zoom, or face to face.

But, face to face may not be a choice with COVID-19.

The chat with the researcher can be by yourself or in a group.

You choose.

We will ask you if we can record the chat. 

You can say yes or no.

Before you have a chat, make sure you have read the Participant Information sheet and understand what is involved.

If you are unsure about any of this information, please stop and ask someone you know well for help.

You can also contact Lisa, email or phone 07 3138 4595.

What happens during the chat?

In your chat you will be asked 4 questions.

You will tell us what you think.

The 4 questions are:

  • What makes an inclusive community?

  • What helps make communities inclusive for people with disabilities?

  • What does not help make communities inclusive for people with disabilities?

  • What are your ideas to make communities better?

When we say inclusive, we mean you have the same opportunities to participate in everyday things in your community like everyone else.

When we say community, we mean the area where you live. Your home.

What happens after the chat?

We may use your answers later, but your name will not be used. 

With this information, we will write a report.

We may use parts of your responses to create a collective visual story.

Important information before you start

We will keep information about you safe.

Your private information stays private.

You can stop the chat at any time.

If you are unsure about any of this information, please stop, and ask someone you know well to help.

Want to have a chat?

If you would like to have a chat or have questions, contact us email: or phone: 07 31384594.

All information about having a chat can be found on our project website -

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