Storyboard Project Video and Transcript
To watch the transcript in real-time with the video. Visit the video 'Planning Inclusive Communities: Storyboard' via youtube.
This video explains the Planning Inclusive Communities research project.
The research is being done by Queensland University of Technology.
The researcher is Dr. Lisa Stafford.
The project is about making communities inclusive for people with disabilities and chronic illness in regional areas.
When we say community, we mean the area where you live.
For example, you live in the Clarence City Council area.
When we say inclusive, we mean you have the same opportunities to participate in everyday things in your community, like everyone else.
Two regional councils are involved in the research, Clarence City Council, Tasmania, and Gympie Regional Council, Queensland.
We are at the first stage of the research.
We want to find out what inclusive communities means to people.
We also want to find out about your community and how inclusive it is
This is a storyboard project.
A storyboard project helps you to tell your story.
In this video we will tell you about how to do the storyboard project, how to return it and what happens after.
All information about the storyboard project can be found on the storyboard project page on our website: www.planninginclusivecommunities.com/storyboard-project
How to do the Storyboard.
First, read the information sheet and understand what is involved.
If you are unsure about any of this information, please stop and ask someone you know well for help.
Second, complete the storyboard project questions.
There are a few ways you can complete the storyboard; online, using the storyboard project Word document template or on a printed version.
You can choose the option that suits you best.
You will find all the options on the storyboard project web page.
The storyboard project will ask you questions about your community, your experiences, and your ideal inclusive community.
You can tell your answer by drawing, writing or using photos and images to collage.
We will ask you a few questions about yourself so that we know what area you are from and if you would like us to contact you to talk about your storyboard.
How to return your storyboard project.
If you've completed the storyboard project online, you can press submit.
If you've completed the storyboard project in the Word document template, email a copy to us - inclusivecommunities@qut.edu.au
If you have completed the storyboard project on a printed version, there are a couple ways for you to share your story with us.
Take a photo or scan the storyboard project and email us.
Post your storyboard project to us.
If you need, contact us and we can send your prepaid envelope.
If you would like to discuss other ways give us a call (07) 3138 4595.
Please save a copy of your storyboard project before sending it as we will not be able to return it.
What happens after you send us your storyboard project.
Once we receive your storyboard project we will check if you answered 'yes' or 'no' to having an interview about your story.
If you choose 'yes', we will contact you to make a time to talk to you about your storyboard.
We call this a research interview.
We will ask you about your storyboard answers.
This interview may happen one to two months later.
We will ask you if we can record the conversation.
We may use your answers later but, your name will not be used.
With this information, we will write a report.
We may use your story and artwork to make a video.
We will keep information about you safe.
Your private information stays private.
Remember, you do not have to do this if you don't want to and you can stop the storyboard project at any time.
If you are unsure about any of this information, please stop and ask someone you know well for help.
You can also contact the researcher Dr. Lisa Stafford.
Email - lisa.stafford@qut.edu.au
Phone - (07) 3138 4594
Project details - www.planninginclusivecommunities.com/storyboard-project.