This page is about a research project.

The research is about planning communities to be inclusive of people with disabilities.

When we say disability, we mean all disabilities including chronic illness.

When we say community we mean the area where you live. Your home.

For example, you live in a suburb in the Clarence City Council area.

When we say inclusive we mean you have the same opportunities to participate in everyday things in your community like everyone else.
We want to make communities inclusive for everyone.
Have a Chat
An interview is a chat with a researcher.

A researcher learns information to help make things better for people.
The word chat will be used for this project.
Who can have a chat?

People 9 years and older.

If you are under 18 you will need guardian consent.

The chat is for people who live, work or study in:

Clarence City Council and the Greater Hobart area, Tasmania

Gympie Regional Council, Queensland.
Before you start

Read the participant information sheet.
Complete the Consent Form

Complete the consent form.
What will I be asked?

In your chat with Lisa or Rosie.
You will be asked 4 questions.

You will tell us what you think.
The questions are

1. What makes an inclusive community?

2. What helps make communities inclusive for people with disabilities?

3. What does not help make communities inclusive for people with disabilities.
4. Your ideas to make communities better?
You can have a chat with the researcher by yourself.

You can have a chat with the researcher in a group.

You choose.
When will we chat?

We will make a time to chat with you.
The chat will be by


Video call

Face to face

But face to face may not be a choice with COVID-19.

With your okay we will record what you tell us. Only your voice will be recorded in a video call.

Contact the project team if you have any questions.

phone 03 6226 2143