Stage 1 - Complete
Note - this page is from Stage 1 of the project. Stage 1 is now complete.
Photovoice Project
The Photovoice Project asks you to take photos or short video of your local community to show what makes an inclusive community and what needs changing to make communities more inclusive for people of all ages with disabilities and chronic illness.
After you take your photos or video and make contact, the research team will organise a time to chat with you about your photos or video.
Who is it for?
We are interested in hearing from people with disabilities and/or chronic illness, local council staff, local community organisations, local businesses, planners/ architects/developers and other general community members.
Everyone who lives, works or studies in the Clarence City Council and the Greater Hobart area or Gympie Regional Council area
People 9 years and over (if under 18, you will need parent/guardian consent)
Doing the Photovoice
1. Before you start...
Please read the participant information sheet before you start the Photovoice Project. Click on the button below to download the participant information sheet.
Easy Read Version
2. Your Consent
First, we ask for your consent. The consent asks if you have read the participant information sheet and if you understand what is involved. This is giving your consent to participate.
Easy Read Version
If you would like to do a group Photovoice project, contact the research team to discuss.
phone 03 6226 2143
3. Taking the Photos
In this activity you show us what inclusive community means to you by taking photos or a video.
1. Take 1 to 6 photos or a short video that shows us what helps make you and people with disabilities and/or chronic illness feel included. Like
other people
places like your own town or neighbourhood
services like library, buses
2. Take 1 to 6 photos or a short video of things to fix to make community better for people with disabilities. Like
other people’s attitudes
places like your town or neighbourhood
services like library, buses
Read the participant information Sheet for more information on taking the photos or video.
4. Chat with the Researcher
Let us know when you have finished taking your photos or video. We will then contact you to make a time to chat with you about your photo/videos.
The chat can be 1:1 with the interviewer or in a group. You can choose.
1:1 Chat
Group Chat
If you have any questions or would like support to complete the Photovoice project, please contact us.
If you would rather do the research interview, without the Photovoice project, contact the research team.