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Easy English Symbol

Easy Read Storyboard page

Information Symbol

This page is about a research project.

Question mark next to an inclusive community.

The research is about planning communities to be inclusive of people with disabilities.

People with different disabilities.

When we say disability, we mean all disabilities including chronic illness.


When we say community we mean the area where you live. Your home. 

House in the Clarence City Council Area.

For example, you live in a suburb in the Clarence City Council area.

Group of diverse people.

When we say inclusive we mean you have the same opportunities to participate in everyday things in your community like everyone else.

We want to make communities inclusive for everyone.

The Storyboard

Storyboard Symbol

The storyboard helps you tell your story.

There are 5 Questions.

Question mark next to an inclusive community.

The questions are to find out what inclusive community means to you.

Things you can use to tell your storyboard answers, including images, collage and drawings.

You can use pictures, drawings and designs about your community in your answers.

Who can do the Storyboard?

9 years and older symbol

People 9 years and older.

Hand holding a pen

 If you are under 18 you will need guardian consent.

People with disabilities and chronic illness.

The Storyboard is for people with disabilities from:

Clarence City Council Logo

Clarence City Council and the Greater Hobart, Tasmania


Gympie Regional Council Logo

Gympie Regional Council, Queensland.

Before you start

Information Sheet Symbol.

Read the participant information sheet.

Doing the Storyboard

Tablet, Laptop and phone.

You can complete the Storyboard Online on a computer, tablet or phone


Downloading Word document.

Download the word document.

Save Document Symbol.

Save and then complete.


Downloading PDF document.

Download the PDF document.


Print and then complete.

Researcher and participant talking over the phone.

If you need support to complete the Storyboard, please contact Dr. Lisa Stafford:

Phone Symbol

phone 03 6226 2143


If you do not want to do the storyboard project,


would like to do a research interview contact the research team.

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